Ha Quang Thinh Ngo
Ha Quang Thinh Ngo is received the B.S. degree from Department of Mechatronics, HCMC University of Technology (VNU-HCM) in 2006, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Department of Intelligent System Engineering from Dong-Eui University, Korea, in 2009 and 2015, respectively. At present, he is an Associate Professor in Department of Mechatronics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, VNU-HCM. His research interests consist of motion control, real-time systems and control theory. Email: [email protected]. Dr Ngo has received VNU-HCM Award for Research Excellence in 2020, Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowships for Leaders in Innovation in 2021. He was a member of Editorial Board in Mathematical Problems in Engineering, PLOS ONE and served as Keynote Speaker/Technical Program Committee of ICCASA, ACOMPA, ICIST and ICTCC conference. In addition, he also plays a role as reviewer in prestigious journals.
Title: Roadmap to Cognitive Robot for Human-Machine interaction
Most of my researches in recent time relate to the cognitive robotic system. More specifically, the behaviors and adaptive responses of both autonomous vehicles and interactive manipulators are to be found on the scope of my concerns. The purposes of those developments are to navigate socially, comfortably and intelligently in the dynamic crowd; collaborate with workers safely; and avoid any special circumstance to reach the optimum target which we naturally encounter. As a result, I conducts research on releasing the reasonable behaviors and the processes that support it. At smaller scale, my interests consist of smart actuators and industrial network that I was invented several network protocols for real-time communication, standalone motion controllers and vision-enabled mechanism. For these works, various protocols such EtherCAT, Real-time Express (RTEX) or Real-time Ethernet were studied and
developed from the core elements. Based on my achievements, data in the computer vision approach is transmitted securely and rapidly while the others are exchanged in the real-time manner and synchronization. In addition, I played a role as senior researcher in the R&D center where I was a PI in five projects. During that time, I have gained industrial experiences in the field of motion control and embedded system.

Issam Damaj
Issam Damaj, PhD ME BE SMIEEE, is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science with the Department of Applied Computing and Engineering, Cardiff Metropolitan University (Cardiff Met), Cardiff, United Kingdom (UK). Before joining Cardiff Met, he spent 17 years in professorial ranks in higher education institutions in Lebanon (Beirut Arab University, BAU, three years), Kuwait (American University of Kuwait, AUK, ten years) and Oman (Dhofar University, DU, three years).
During his tenure, Dr Damaj published more than 100 technical papers and book chapters—In addition to various short papers and technical reports. He supervised doctorate and master’s students at different institutions. His research interests include hardware design, smart cities, and technical education. During his career, he was assigned a variety of leadership positions in university administration, quality assurance, and accreditation.
In 2004, Dr Damaj was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Computer Science, in the area of Computer Hardware Design, from London South Bank University, London, UK. He received a master’s degree in Computer and Communications Engineering from the American University of Beirut (AUB) in 2001. In addition, He received a bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from BAU in 1999.
Dr Damaj is a Program Evaluator (PEV) with ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC), a senior member of the IEEE, a member of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), and a member of the Order of Engineers and Architects (OEA) in Beirut. He was the Founding Counselor of the AUK IEEE Student Branch between 2014 and 2019. He is an associate editor and a reviewer with publishers that include IEEE, Elsevier, and Springer. In addition, he is the recipient of various awards in mentoring, service, research, and academic high distinction.
Title: Future Trends in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Enabling Communications and Processing Technologies
With significant advancements in information and communication technologies, connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) can provide improved transportation services. At present, a variety of technologies, such as vehicular networks, communication interfaces, and modern hardware devices enable CAVs to support reliable, safe, and quality transportation system options with improved performance and increased effectiveness. In this talk, we carefully explore a set of distinguished state-of-
the-art CAV research and innovation projects with a focus on hardware architectures, communication technologies, deployment challenges, context awareness, performance aspects, and the Quality of Experience. The exploration critically identifies important area transformations and anticipates future trends influencing CAV communications, processing, and deployment requirements.